SensA case study result with XML-security

Subject XML-security (1.0.4) from SIR with 92 junit tests
Scenario Test No. 66 passed in the fixed code of version1-seed2 but failed in the buggy code;
case study was performed on the buggy code.
backward failure tracing
(functional sequence of events)
0. test 66 failed ->
1. in ExclusiveC14NInterop::test_Y1, assertTrue (success == null) failed ->
2. success = ExclusiveC14NInterop::t("data/interop/c14n/Y1", "exc-signature.xml") does not equal to null but is "1 3" instead ->
3. in ExclusiveC14NInterop::t, String r is returned since its length != 0 -> r = sb.toString().trim() -> sb.append(i," ") ->
4. refVerify=false -> verify=checkSignatureValue(signature.pubkey) is false and signature._signedInfo is not as expected -> signature is unexpectedly constructed by signature=new XMLSignature::<init>(signature related element extracted from the xml file, "data/interop/c14n/Y1/exc-signature.xml") ->
5. signature of the xml content, i.e. signature._signedInfo is unexpectedly constructed by signature._signedInfo=XMLSignature::SignedInfo(signature related element from the xml file, "data/interop/c14n/Y1/exc-signature.xml") ->
6. in the above constructor of SignedInfo, signature._signedInfo._c14nizedBytes = Canonicalizer::CanonicalizerSubtree(Node extracted from the xml) is not as exepcted ->   [via a virtual call through CanonicalizerSpi::engineCanonicalizerSubTree() ->]
7. unexpected signature._signedInfo._c14nizedBytes =  Canonicalizer20010315Excl::engineCanonicalizerSubTree(the above Node, "") ->
8. in Canonicalizer20010315Excl::engineCanonicalizerSubTree, byte[] baos, as is returned to signature._signedInfo._c14nizedBytes after being written via Canonicalizer20010315Excl::CanonicalizerSubTree (rootNode of the xml, a hash-map inscopeNamespaces of the Node, a map alreadyVisible:Node->String), is unexpected ->
9. in Canonicalizer20010315Excl::CanonicalizerSubTree, attribute list written to baos, by attrs=updateInscopeNamespacesAndReturnVisibleAttrs(an Element of the xml file being traversed, inscopeNamespaces, alreadyVisible), is not as expected ->
10. Canonicalizer20010315Excl::updateInscopeNamespacesAndReturnVisibleAttrs(), a vector ns used for returning the attribute list is unexpectedly written -> inscopeNamespaces was changed unexpectedly (certain elements in it were wrongly removed) -> key "xmlns" is removed from inscopeNamespaces -> the condition (name=="xmlns" || value=="") wrongly evaluated to be true for some attribute (each attribute is a name:value pair) -> orginally "&&" in the condition was changed to "||";
sequence of events*
(in terms of Jimple IR statement ids)
5621 ( the original value of name=="xmlns" || value=="" changed from false to true, causing the removal of the key "xmlns" ) ->
5622 ( the removal of key "xmlns" from the inscopeNamespaces map ) ->
5691 ( ns changed ) -> 5699 ( ns sorted ) ->
5886 ( ns passed back to attrs in CanonicalizerSubTree ) ->
5888 (attrs.size() changed due to the change before in ns ) -> 5889,5890,5891,5892,5893,5894,5895,5897 ( consequent changes due to change in attrs) ->
6024,6025,6026,6027,6028,6029,6030,6031,6032,6033,6034,6035,6036,6037,6056,6057,6058,6060,6061 ( changes in attrs written to baos in function outputAttrToWritter) ->
5905, 5906 ( iteratively causing changes in attrs again, primarily )  and 5907,5908 ( iteratively causing changes in attrs again, secondarily) ->
5398 ( baos transformed after changes in attrs reflected to it ) ->
13628, 13630 ( _signedInfo changed in its _c14nizedBytes member ) ->
17134, 17135 ( the changed reflected to signature.PublicKey ) ->
17136, 17137, 17141,17142,17143 ( change propagated to the boolean variable verify due to failure in signature verification, the reflected in an output of verify's value ) ->
17145 ( change of verify from originally true to false caused a condition failure here ) ->
17155 ( refVerify falsified and further caused a condition failure ) ->
17171 ( sb changed ) ->
17205 ( sb.toString().trim() passed to string r, and then r.length()!=0 caused non-null string to return ) ->
17273, 17274 ( the non-null string r passed to success in test_Y1 after returning from t() ) ->
17277 ( success!= null caused 0 passed to assertTrue ) ->  
17278 ( assertion failed ) ->
test case failed.
Statements in the
failure sequence
Ranking by different techniques
SensA_rand SensA_inc Static slicing Dynamic slicing
5621 62.5 62.5 1.0 1.0
5622 62.5 62.5 3.5 10167.0
5691 62.5 62.5 349.5 107.0
5699 62.5 62.5 40.0 19.0
5886 62.5 62.5 2520.0 143.5
5888 62.5 62.5 349.5 26.5
5889 62.5 62.5 1137.0 35.5
5890 62.5 62.5 349.5 35.5
5891 62.5 62.5 1137.0 53.5
5892 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
5893 62.5 62.5 349.5 53.5
5894 62.5 62.5 1137.0 53.5
5895 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
5897 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6024 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6025 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6026 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6027 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6028 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6029 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6030 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6031 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6032 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6033 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6034 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6035 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6036 62.5 62.5 4672.0 71.0
6037 62.5 62.5 4672.0 71.0
6056 62.5 62.5 4672.0 71.0
6057 62.5 62.5 2520.0 71.0
6058 62.5 62.5 4672.0 71.0
6060 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
6061 62.5 62.5 2520.0 53.5
5905 62.5 62.5 4672.0 206.5
5906 62.5 62.5 12.5 26.5
5398 62.5 62.5 4672.0 10167.0
5907 153.5 133.5 4672.0 206.5
5908 153.5 133.5 349.5 53.5
13628 1153.5 1134.0 12199.5 10167.0
13630 1153.5 1134.0 4672.0 10167.0
17134 1153.5 1134.0 12199.5 10167.0
17135 1153.5 1134.0 14225.0 1003.5
17136 1153.5 1134.0 15832.5 10167.0
17137 1153.5 1134.0 15832.5 10167.0
17141 1153.5 1134.0 17203.0 10167.0
17142 1153.5 1134.0 18058.5 10167.0
17143 1153.5 1134.0 17203.0 10167.0
17145 1153.5 1134.0 17203.0 10167.0
17155 10526.0 10526.0 15832.5 10167.0
17171 10526.0 10526.0 17203.0 10167.0
17205 10526.0 10526.0 18058.5 10167.0
17273 1153.5 1134.0 18486.5 10167.0
17274 1153.5 1134.0 18801.0 10167.0
17277 10526.0 10526.0 19032.0 10167.0
17278 10526.0 10526.0 18801.0 10167.0
Average cost of inspecting the whole sequence in the ranking 6.60% 6.63% 33.15% 17.90%
Number of statements to be examined in order to inspect the whole sequence  1249.0 1255.0 6274.0 3388.0

* This page only shows a subset of the full sequence of events, which includes the most important statements that directly participated in causing the eventual failure, called landmark statements. The other statements in the full sequence are all involved in indirect propagation of the change to the failing point via helper function invocations. Namely, we chose the landmark sequence simply by omitting those statements inside various helper functions and only taking their return values as critical change-propagating points toward the failure of focus.

Therefore, for XML-security, we included only the case study result with the landmark sequence of events presented on this page. For review purpose, the details about the full sequence of events have been made available on this site as well.
