SensA case study result with JMeter

Subject Jmeter (1.8) from SIR with 79 junit tests
Scenario Test No. 69 passed in the fixed code of version2-seed1 but failed in the buggy code;
case study was performed on the buggy code.
backward failure tracing
(functional sequence of events)
test69 failed ->
testStaticsCalculation() failed at assertEquals(4.0, s.getRate(), 1e-6) assertion ->
actual value 0.4 != expected value 4.0 ->
s.getRate()=0.4 ->
in RunningSample::getRate() return counter / howLongRunning*__dummy ->
__dummy=1000.00 changed to 100.0;
sequence of events
(in terms of Jimple IR statement ids)
34326 (1000.00 changed to 100.0) ->
34331 (calculate return value of getRate()) ->
36070 (get the return value at the caller) ->
36076 (expected cond failed) ->
failure exception thrown (thrown the assertError exception)
Statements in the
failure sequence
Ranking by different techniques
SensA_rand SensA_inc Static slicing Dynamic slicing
34326 33.5 33.5 2832.0 79.5
34331 33.5 33.5 1.0 1.0
36070 33.5 33.5 4.0 3.5
36076 33.5 33.5 559.5 16291.5
Average cost of inspecting the whole sequence in the ranking 0.1031% 0.1031% 2.6134% 12.6000%
Number of statements to be examined in order to inspect the whole sequence  32.0 32.0 848.0 4094.0